Friday, November 20, 2015

Week 13: Tech Tip: Weather Gadget

Hello all!

I added a weather gadget to my blog tonight! I think it is very helpful to always have some sort of weather on your phone, so why not put it on your blog!!! It is a very simple tech tip. If you are looking for something like this then I recommend it!!!

My favorite type of weather is storming. I love all of the storms early summer and late spring. They are so beautiful, yet dangerous and the same time and it just intrigues me. My least favorite weather are the extremes of Oklahoma. I do not enjoy the face melting heat, and I don't enjoy the ice and cold weather in the winter. Oklahoma's cold weather is unlike anything that people from other states just don't understand. It doesn't matter how bundled you are the cold can still get through to you bones and it sits there and once you're cold you can never be not cold!!!

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