Monday, October 12, 2015

Reflections: Looking Back

Looking back I have developed many new skills from this class. My storytelling has gotten better and I have picked up new styles. I also have learned how to include images with a link in my blog.

My Favorite Stories: My favorite stories are pretty much the ones I included in my portfolio. I really enjoyed Cupid and Psyche and the Jataka tale of the Mighty King and the Turtle. I think it really shows that I enjoyed them because those stories I wrote are heads and tails better than the others. I put more time and effort into the ones I enjoy because then they are easier to write about. There are a few other stories that I am excited to spruce up and share in my portfolio. One of those is from Arabian Nights. I chose to tell a story about a story that wasn't included in the original story. What I love about that is I had complete creative freedom to tell whatever I wanted. What I have learned from my reading habits is that I like the ones that are fun and exciting. I really like them not to be drug out. I like my stories to the point. It makes it easier for me to read them to my roommate while she is doing homework.

Location: The place I like to do my homework for this class is at my desk in my room. There are few distractions and the ambiance from the lower lighting makes me feel like Jo from Little Women writing from candle light at night in her room. That is one of my favorite books. I like the quietness of the night and reading the stories and writing them at that time really helps me wind down in the evening so I can fall asleep faster.

(Jo from Little Women writing at her desk)

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